Brief #148: Sorry Kermit, It Can Be Easy Being Green

Many can recall Kermit the Frog strumming a banjo and singing sadly about the difficulties of being green. And people across industries can commiserate. Consumers want the products and services they use to be more sustainable, but many struggle to understand how to make a meaningful impact on their carbon footprint.

In our post exploring the most powerful trends in e-commerce and retail, sustainability is one of four concepts dominating consumers’ minds as they consider brand loyalty and explore new products. Over half of consumers are influenced by key sustainability factors, and 66% are willing to pay more. Personal values can be more important than cost or convenience.

Deloitte Insights calls out the “bifurcating” of green consumers. (Which, really, why couldn’t they have just said split in two?) Higher-income consumers drive sustainable shopping. But beyond cost, convenience is the next major contributing factor. Across seven sustainable activities like limiting water use, recycling, and purchasing habits, convenience was consistently rated as a higher barrier than cost.

People want to be green, but it should be easy. Perhaps more importantly, brands must inform consumers of the direct impacts of their extra spending on sustainable product lines.

That’s why it is an especially exciting time here at TINT.

If you’re feeling froggy about sustainability, now is the time to jump. 🐸 🌿

Introducing TINT Green – Phase 1

Experiential marketing and field activations can have large carbon footprints. Moving people, product, and materials across distances for the purpose of gathering is non-sustainable by its very nature. We’ve heard it from friends and colleagues alike, brand activations strive to be more eco-friendly, but many professionals lack the knowledge and support to do it at scale.

That’s why we launched TINT Green. We’ve partnered with leading carbon credit developer Grassroots Carbon to provide festivals, events, and experiential activations with the ability to easily offset their carbon footprints.

With our innovative carbon offset program, you can kiss those carbon worries goodbye faster than Kermit’s croonin’ about rainbows. Say hello to reduced carbon footprints, healthier soil, improved water retention, and happier ecosystems—all while boosting your event’s green credentials.

This is just the start of TINT’s Green Revolution. Stay tuned for more opportunities to offset and negate the carbon impacts of your marketing technologies.

Learn more about TINT Green and offsetting the carbon footprint of your next marketing activation.

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