Brief #150: The Quest for Data – A Struggle Most Perilous

Merry Meet marketing lords and ladies!

The TINT Team is currently obsessed with HBO’s Ren Faire documentary. The water cooler discussion has inspired this week’s Future of Marketing where we explore the alchemical properties of Zero Party Data.

Pull on your tights, don your regalia, and grab some kettle corn; we’re entering a realm divided.

The Quest for Data: A Struggle Most Perilous

In the days of yore, marketers could rely on the enchanted cookies and analytical magic of Apple and Google. As their power weakened and subjects reclaimed their privacy rights, the kingdom was thrown into disarray. The Robin Hood-like accuracy guiding targeting and retargeting is fading and shall disappear like morning mist (I.E., Safari, Firefox, and Brave web browsers prevent third party cookies today, Google Chrome is phasing out third party cookies in 2025)

93% of consumers are inclined to share their perspectives in exchange for personalized experiences. Yet, 59% of marketers struggle to acquire the wisdom of the kingdom.

And even after consumers have been tempted or charmed into parting with their data, 74% of consumers lament the lack of personalized experiences; with marketers often doing little to nothing with the information they collect– beyond sending the occasional falcon with a coupon.

You can read more stats and information about Zero Party Data in Ye Olde State of Community Powered Marketing

The House of Zero Party Data

We all know the adage, the more precise the data, the sharper our marketing sword. Yet, 54% of our marketing brethren struggle to keep their data fresh. Enter Zero Party Data—a gift from the people of the kingdom. This is not mere data observed from afar, but personal preferences and desires shared directly by the consumer.

How, then, shall we harness this power?

First, we must be transparent with our intentions. A consumer who understands the ‘why’ behind our questions and sees the benefit is more likely to engage. Crafting an interactive, living world through profile questions, contests, surveys, and the like can breathe life into our efforts.

As McKinsey proclaims, personalization can reduce acquisition costs by 50%, lift revenues by up to 15%, and increase the efficiency of spend by 30%.

Recommended Read: How to Use Zero Party Data

Strategies for the Savvy:

  1. Earn Their Trust: As 93% of consumers say, clarity about data usage earns their willingness to share. Be transparent and showcase the benefits clearly.
  2. Create Interactive Engagements: Utilize quizzes, surveys, and polls to collect Zero Party Data progressively. This method fosters a relationship that builds trust and loyalty over time.
  3. Leverage Technology: Partner with platforms that can store and utilize this data effectively, ensuring a seamless personalization experience.
  4. Offer Value in Return: Reward consumers for their data with personalized content, offers, and exclusive experiences.

To collect Zero Party Data is a delicate dance, one that must be done with the grace of a skilled bard and the precision of a master archer. Engage consumers through digital touchpoints and interactive experiences, progressively collecting their preferences and desires.

Embrace the New Era

The winds of change blow strong, and the future beckons with the promise of Zero Party Data. As guardians of our brands, it is our duty to adapt and thrive in this new age. TINT stands ready to aid in this quest, empowering brands to reclaim their relationships and forge stronger bonds with their consumers.

Speak with a scribe, scholar, or knight to learn how TINT empowers brands across the realm to maximize the value of Zero Party Data.
